Sunday, November 23, 2014

Heartfelt Collection - Thankfulness, Gratitude, Appreciation, Honor and Faith!

November Thanksgiving Blog

Words of Wisdom

“Today we give our thanks, most of all, for the ideals of honor and faith we inherit from our forefathers- for the decency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility, which they possessed and which we must seek every day to emulate. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

A Heartfelt Word

Not a day goes by that we do not remember how grateful we are for our retail customers and the consumers that purchase our products. There are so many excellent products in our market and we feel honored each and every time when your dollars are spent on a Heartfelt product.

Fourth quarter, for most of our vendors, is very critical to the bottom line and remaining healthy for their continued survival of this ever changing market.  We desire always to make the customer experience with Heartfelt a pleasant one and to do whatever we can to insure the best possible products from our company. We pray for a healthy and strong holiday season and that your dedication and hard work be blessed and rewarded abundantly.

The Heart of Heartfelt

I have discovered that appreciating and savoring the good moments significantly increases my joy, happiness and life satisfaction. Feeling gratitude inspires me to remember special times with family and friends, memorable relationships with customers and co-workers and most importantly, my love and appreciation for my personal relationship with God.

Realizing how many gifts I have been blessed with in this life, I have a full heart of gratitude for all my blessings. May this season of thanksgiving bless you and bring you much joy as you reflect on all the things you are thankful for.

From my heart to yours,                                                                                                                                 LoveLea

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Heartfelt, a division of Christian Brands, and Jim Shore partners for Jan 2015 New Product Release

Words of Wisdom
“When you put love and caring into a work, you succeed.  It has to come straight from the heart."- Jim Shore

A Heartfelt Word
World-renowned artist, Jim Shore, partners with CB Gift, a division of Christian Brands, for January 2015 new product introductions.

Jim Shore, who in 2013 received the ICON Lifetime Achievement Honor for his contributions to the gift industry among many other accolades in his distinguished career, is partnering with CB Gift to introduce new product categories showcasing his art to the gift and home furnishings industry. Debuting January 2015, Jim Shore's new products with CB Gift will be introduced at the Atlanta, Dallas and Las Vegas Gift Shows.

Christian Brands is honored to work with Jim Shore. His artistic talent and attention to detail, along with his enormous popularity, are greatly received and truly appreciated by Christian Brands. His ability to create distinctive designs that tell a story and touch lives is truly inspiring and will fit beautifully within the CB Gift umbrella.

Jim Shore’s art is appreciated and beloved by many. His highly detailed, artistic figurines are recognized globally and bring much joy to those who give and receive them. GB Gift would like to carry on that appreciation and joy by offering a home décor driven collection of wall crosses and wall art that celebrates the artistic tradition and value of a classic Jim Shore work of art. The concepts and designs were created to bring Jim Shore artwork into the Home by utilizing on trend color palettes for the home with the unmistakable styling and artwork of Jim Shore.

The Heart of Heartfelt
I have been a fan and a consumer of Jim Shore art for many years. It is a great honor to be able to add his work to our Heartfelt Collection of products. I hope that our new offerings will delight your heart as much as they have mine. Thank you, Jim.

From my heart to yours,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Vibrant Colors of Fall, Trends and Analysis, Design Concepts and Preparation for Show Season 2015

October Blog 2014
Words of Wisdom:  Have a work ethic God can bless. If you cannot experience the spirit in the work you are doing today, then you cannot experience the spirit at all!  -Author Unknown
A Heartfelt Word
This is always such a busy time of year for finalizing our product development for the upcoming January Winter Shows. There is a lot of tedious work involved in the start to finish of any product that is designed to be unique and different than anything else that is out there… one of our primary goals. Studying and analyzing the trends throughout the industry, many hours of design concepts and taking them to the final product stage, trying to keep a handle on quality and integrity of design with vendors, catalog proofing and finally, all the show preparation and detail to get the product to market.
It is always with excited anticipation that we approach the show season. Creating product and staying true to our core mission statement: To provide unique and distinctive product with meaningful sentiment at a high perceived value; having a relationship with our customers and keeping them happy with us and our service, but primarily to honor God with all we do.

The Heart of Heartfelt
The colors of fall foliage at its peak, is one of my favorite things. Driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway near our home is truly magnificent this time of the year.  In a few weeks, I will travel to High Point, NC for the International Home Furnishings Show; the drive there always leaves me awestruck at the majesty of God’s glory in nature.  The beautiful introductions at this show, also keeps me awestruck at the creativity of artist and designers in our industry.
I remember reading once that elegance is not being noticed, its about being remembered. It is a beauty that never fades. That is how I feel about the seasons of the year, trying to create concepts and designs that reflect that also, but especially, about sharing words that are elegant and meaningful in our products. That is my work ethic and I am blessed to experience that spirit everyday as I continue to share the many Heartfelt products with our gift industry.
From my heart to yours,



Thursday, August 28, 2014

Heartfelt, Refreshing, Wholesome, Uplifting, Inspirational WORDS that make a difference!

Sept Blog
Quote: True poets don’t write their thoughts with a pen… They release the ink that flows from within their heart.  Author Unknown.
A Heartfelt Word
No truer words are spoken for those of us who love poetry, read poetry and write poetry.  The whole core of Heartfelt has been built around sharing words from our heart.  We strive specifically to create product that relates to meaningful moments and special occasions that are given as gifts. We also like to share thoughts and words that anyone could use as their own statement within their home or office.
“Life is a story, make yours a masterpiece.”
We desire that when anyone sees a Heartfelt product that they recognize the value we place on each piece of our product. Our hope is that every item in our line is refreshing, wholesome, uplifting and inspirational; that our product will make a difference in the lives of others.
In your life what would your verse be?
The Heart of Heartfelt
I recently spent my vacation with my family at the beach, and it was so fun. I have two extremely intelligent kids who married two extremely intelligent spouses, who, in turn, gave me four extremely intelligent grandkids. I was so impressed by their vocabulary at ages 2 thru 8. I keep going over some of their words in my mind… it makes my heart smile.  I truly believe that their vocabulary comes from their parents and the many books that were either read to them or that they are now reading by themselves.
On the other hand, I was in a parking lot just this week and listened to a Mother and the way she spoke to her three kids and I was heart-broken. In her speech was foul language, improper grammar and even worse still, was the degrading names she called those precious children.  My heart ached for those three little ones and I prayed, right then and there, for someone to share good and uplifting words with them… somewhere, somehow.
Our words do make a difference!
From my heart to yours,                                                                                                                                                  LoveLea

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


July Blog

Words of Wisdom: Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, and the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.  ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

A Heartfelt Word:

How easy it is for us to take our freedom for granted. When we go about our daily lives selling our wares, fulfilling our job obligations, raising our families and enjoying this beautiful country we live in, it is easy to forget what it cost.  As we celebrate this wonderful summer month and its holiday, let us remember the many causes which keep this country great.

 How wonderful it is to live in a nation with our many freedoms. Expressions and statements of faith are so important to our company. Being able to produce faith-based products is a blessing we should never take for granted. We at Heartfelt believe that His Word does not go out void and we are privileged to share this truth through our many product offerings. We are happy to be part of a company based in the USA.


The Heart of Heartfelt

Growing up in the South, I have many fond remembrances of the 4th of July celebrations, such as eating cold watermelon kept in the stream, family gatherings at my grandparents farm in TN and the wonderful excitement of our local fireworks, which my dad supervised over the duck pond. My family like so many back then had many family members who served in the military and they never let us forget what it meant to have our freedom and what it cost for so many. Looking back I am reminded that the deep sense of pride that my family taught is a lesson I need to ponder more frequently in this busy world I live in. So I take a breath and thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed on all of us who live in this great nation. “One nation under God with liberty and justice for all.”

From my heart to yours,




Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Product Releases for Summer 14 Gift Shows, Heartfelt Sentiments for Every Occasion and Everyday Sales, and Much More…

June Blog 2014
Words of Wisdom: “In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.” K Gibran

A Heartfelt Word

We are very excited about our new product releases for the Summer 14 Gift shows. Our new collection called “Glimmers of Time” are absolutely stunning, with their shimmering Jacquard designs, the functionality of a clock and the removal of the sentiment, which in turn, creates a photo frame. That is good stuff!
We also have introductions for our customers which we feature below:


Please don’t hesitate to look us up at the Dallas or Atlanta Gift markets and if you aren’t a retailer, by all means, ask your local gift shop to carry the Heartfelt Collection, if they don’t already.

The Heart of Heartfelt

It is in the little things that I find my pleasure in life. Writing words that uplift, inspire or encourage is just one of the little things that always brings joy to my heart.  My friendships in the gift industry are another thing that brings sweetness to my life. Relationships shape us so much, as do the quality of the relations we have with others. I feel a deep responsibility to offer products and words that are meaningful and worthy of our customers. It is something I constantly strive for.

 I am humbled everyday to use the talents God has given me in my work.  I am grateful for the many provisions God has provided to me. Lastly, I am overwhelmed by God’s blessings upon my life… I am truly a blessed woman.

From my heart to yours,                                                                                                                        



Thursday, May 1, 2014

Heartfelt Values: Friendship’s, Importance of Relationships and Appreciation of Others

May Blog 2014

Words of Wisdom: “To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the inner music the words make." Truman Capote

A Heartfelt Word

The importance of maintaining friendships is a key point for Heartfelt in doing business. We view our customers, vendors, and consumers as our friends. \FRIENDS\ n, one attached to another by affection or esteem. We hold our friends in highest esteem and value deeply our relationships. We truly appreciate each of those relationships. “Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” Voltaire

We ARE made better by these friendships. That is why we place great value on all of your friendships. One of Heartfelt’s best selling title categories has continually been Friend/Friendship; it is important in every facet of life. Sharing our hearts song with one another in friendship is what we love to do.

We would love for you to check out the many beautiful Heartfelt sentiment products that are available by visiting our website at:

Heart of Heartfelt

I recently returned from an annual golf outing with a couple of my closest friends. That time is precious to my heart and a needed balm to my soul. Being with them makes me happy.  We laugh, listen to music, dance and of course golf, all the while enjoying the nature that surrounds us. These friends bring the spirit of laughter in all we do. They can see through me and still enjoy the view. They also accept me as I am and I appreciate that! How beautiful a day can be when friendship touches it. That is the beauty of true friendship.

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is in those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in our hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” Henri Nouwen. I dedicate this quote to my best friend in the whole world, my husband.

From my heart to yours,                                                                                                         


Tuesday, April 1, 2014



April Blog

Words of Wisdom: “The best seat in the house is with the company you keep.”

A Heartfelt Word

Heartfelt has a passion for providing framed sentiments that compliment and accent Home Décor. We spend a great deal of time, energy and effort researching trends and following the Home Furnishing Industry. As usual, we will attend the International Furniture Market in High Point, North Carolina, the first of April, to check out all the beautiful and exciting new product introductions shown there.

The inspiration and creativity is so fulfilling. It inspires our own creative juices to flow with brainstorming for future Heartfelt products that compliment the home. We take great pride in our designs, our programs, our price points and our words. We continually strive to offer our very best products with high perceived values and rewarding customer experiences.

WE CARE ABOUT OUR CUSTOMERS – if you have any issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-572-5780.

Heart of Heartfelt

I know I have stated this before but…. I love what I do… It makes me happy!

Happiness is important to life and we all know that happiness has positive effects on life. It affects our health and longevity, our personal relationships, our creativity and work. I truly believe that my happiness is poured into the words I write, the product I help to design and in my attitude toward the work I do.

Maya Angelou has written many powerful words in her lifetime. She believes in the power of both the written and the spoken word, and says the entire world could benefit simply from every person learning to use words to educate, empower and encourage those around them.

I encourage you to share your happiness with others in word and deed. A smile can brighten someone’s day, a word of encouragement can lift a soul, an extended hand can pull another up…  If we would make the effort to share our happiness with others each day… just imagine the possibilities.

I praise God for all my many blessings… a happy heart is just one of them.  A happy heart makes the face cheerful. Proverbs 13:13

From my heart to yours,




Monday, March 3, 2014

Heartfelt Collection Ready for Spring. Visit Our Web For Many New Products and Best Sellers. Functional, Afforadable Gifts From the Heart.

March Blog

Words of Wisdom: No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.

A Heartfelt Word

What a difficult winter most of us have faced in 2014. Valentine sales were profoundly affected by the winter weather, per my dear friends in the retail arena. The news was full of stories, across the country, of the frigid cold, ice, snow, and flooding. It is our prayer that spring will come soon, that retailers will be able to make up lost ground and that the economy will hopefully and finally improve.

We are constantly reminded how often things out of our control can affect our daily lives. All our best laid plans are meaningless in the wake of Mother Nature. The good news is that Heartfelt has an abundance of exciting new offerings that will sell year round and we are excited for the possibilities that spring will bring.

Heart of Heartfelt

I recently saw on Facebook a letter written by a father to his 4 year old daughter about beauty. One of his points was about the power of words in our society. To his point, words have power in the aisle of a Target store and his words yielded power to the thousands of people who read his letter. His insight was extremely profound and I know his words will make a difference to his daughter someday. Words spoken or shared which come from our hearts have more power than we realize, which is why the words I write for Heartfelt mean so much to me. I know their power, I have experienced that power and I yearn deeply to share my heartfelt words with others.










Monday, February 3, 2014

February Blog - Heartfelt New Product Releases a big hit at January Gift Shows, New Exciting Spring Releases available. Order by going to the web or through our new CB-Gift catalog. You won’t want to miss our best release of new product ever!

Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently. This builds trust…  Sceretan

A Heartfelt Word

It was so exciting to attend the Gift shows this past month and have such a receptive response to our new product offerings.  Last month we featured the LoveLea Lines and Graceful Garden, which performed outstandingly. This month we would like to show the introductions for our special occasion categories, as well, as some every day collections. As always we invite you to visit our website: or contact us for a catalog if you are a retailer.

Chalkboard Blessings You're The Best Father's Day      Pretty Petal Mother's Day Collection     
Anyone wishing to purchase one of our Heartfelt collections just ask your favorite retailer or gift store to order our product for you. There is no minimum opening order, so it would be easy for them to carry our product in their store. We currently sell many Hallmark stores, Hospital Gift Shops, Family Christian and Lifeway stores.  You can also search for us online where gift products are offered.

Heart of Heartfelt

Being authentic is so very important to me. I am authentic in sharing my heart in each blog. I recently read in an Advertising Magazine this statement “True social success is based on how much the entirety of your customer experience inspires people to recommend your company and buy your products.” How true! Also that, “Being authentic is an honest assessment of what your brand stands for. It requires you to deliver a consistent and compelling identity.”

So my hearts desire is to stay authentic to the Heartfelt brand and to make a connection with retailers and consumers with every product introduction. To continue to strive for and achieve high quality, high perceived value, competitive pricing and product that has meaning and lasting value with its words.

From my heart to yours,
