Friday, February 1, 2013

About Me: Lea Metts - The Face Behind the Name

The Face Behind the Name

Since I was a little girl, I have loved beautiful words!

 I loved to say them, read them and more importantly, I loved hearing them… especially if they were said to “Me”. In fact, my personal love language is “Words of Affirmation”, go figure, right? Life has taught me their power and I have lived my life as a result of the good and the bad. Is that not true for most all of us? Tell anyone they are special enough times and they will come to believe it, same holds true for negative words – that is their power.

As a child, I had a reading disability, but for some reason poetry was something I could comprehend and understand, hence, my deep-love for all poetry to this day. When I write poetry or verses, the first thing I do is ask God to put on my heart what someone else needs to hear and I think about what I would say, with meaning and purpose, to those I care about or what I would want someone to say  to me. Poetry is truly the song of my heart!

Heartfelt Collection – The American Dream
In 1987, my husband Linwood and I started our company, Heartfelt, Inc. from the basement in our home, I designed, wrote verses and assembled our handmade greeting cards and my husband marketed and sold them. From there the journey of framed sentiments began and our American dream came true. We built the Heartfelt brand, with the help of many wonderful people, over the next 25 years and in 2011 we sold our company to Christian Brands in Phoenix Arizona. My husband and I continue to work with the Heartfelt brand doing what we love…

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